الأحد، 14 سبتمبر 2014

كن أنت كما تريد لا كما يريد غيرك

دعاء رائع

الرئيس السادات

حفل تكريم دكتور ماهر عبد الغني

مصر التي في خاطري

All about Love

All about Love by bell hooks
We’re taught to think of love as something that happens to us. It’s a magical but altogether passive experience. In her deeply personal and emphatic All about Love, renowned social activist and feminist bell hooks asserts that, in fact, love is a choice we must all make and it’s not nearly as abstract or elusive as many of us have come to believe. The book not only explores the role of love in our lives and the ways our culture has distorted its meaning, but guides us — with clear definitions and examples — toward a better understanding of how to cultivate it. If you’ve ever wondered why some relationships stand the test of time while others crumble, you should read this book. 
– Renee P.

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